Posts tagged self-awareness
Conscious parenting... it's not about parenting.

Every parent aspires to be calm, conscious and build a loving relationship with their child. But we are deeply triggered by our children. Their role in coming into our lives is to point (and press repeatedly) on our inner wounds and insecurities, thus giving us the opportunity to notice what we are being called to heal within ourselves.

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Discover your life's purpose

We are all born with a very specific set of skills, talents and passions. We then navigate our way through our life experience that shapes us in different ways.

So many of us reach a point in life where we feel lost, unfulfilled and depressed, regardless of the level of abundance, love and success that surrounds us. So where do we go from there? I believe the solution is to take a deep dive within and find the clues that were pointing us in the direction of our life’s purpose all along.

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