Discover your life's purpose

We are all born with a very specific set of skills, talents and passions. We then navigate our way through our life experience that shapes us in different ways. Unfortunately, the systems that make up our world are not tailored to the individual but rather try to mold the individual into a false ideal. So many of us reach a point in life where we feel lost, unfulfilled and depressed, regardless of the level of abundance, love and success that surrounds us. So where do we go from there? I believe the solution is to take a deep dive within and find the clues that were pointing us in the direction of our life’s purpose all along.

The Japanese concept of Ikigai is a great place to start…

The concept of Ikigai suggests that there is a convergence of these 4 primary elements:

  1. What you love

  2. What you are good at

  3. What the world needs

  4. What you can be paid for

I believe that every individual must pursue their heart’s desire and I hope to provide some guidance here on how to get started.

  Your heart’s desire is yours for a reason, you owe it to yourself and the world to dicsover what that is and pursue it relentlessly.

  1. Grab a journal and ask yourself what you love and what you are good at

 I suggest starting with a page divided in two. One side for “things I love” and one side for “things I’m good at”. Don’t hold back, there is no right or wrong here…. nothing is silly or irrelevant, write all the things you can think of. Also, don’t expect to have a complete list immediately. This may take a few sessions and cups of tea, don’t rush and don’t push yourself, have fun with this process.

 “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purspose of life is to give it away” -Pablo Picasso

2. Brainstorm ideas and solve problems

Ask yourself how your talents and passions can help others. There is something that you have to offer. It can be very helpful to bounce ideas off someone else. I find that when I get to voice my thoughts and ideas out loud, I come up with solutions more easily that when I am stuck mulling it over alone in my head. This can be a really fun exercice to do with a bestie over coffee.

3. Get out of your head and into your heart

Our critical mind is designed to find the danger and come up with all the reasons why something won’t work (and you can trust that it will come up with many many reasons why you “should” just stay right there, stuck and in your comfort zone…) But learning to tap into the deeper wisdom of our hearts will enable us to unlock the potential in all things and find a playful sense of curiosity as we follow what feels magnetic to our heart.

I often get asked “but hooooow???” and the trick here is that you can’t think your way into your heart, you have to feel your way there. It takes practice but is beyond rewarding as you will learn to tap into unlimited ressources within yourself.

Life begins when you step out of your comfort zone.

So much of my work involves helping individuals find out how and why they are getting in their own way, shifting their blocks on a subconscious level and guiding them into a deep state of self awareness. By accessing different states of awareness and specific brain waves, we open up to a whole new reality that is available to us.

When we access an elevated state of awareness, we get a completely different perspective and deeper insights.

In my sessions, I create a personalized recording for you to practice at home and learn to work with your own inner ressources and strengthen your intuition. My goal is to help you uncover what is within you and available to you so you can bring your unique gifts to the world… they are yours for a reason, noone can do this better than you.

For practical self-healing tips, listen to The Inside Out podcast here

To discuss how I may support you , please get in touch here.