3 myths about meditation that are robbing you of the benefits

We’ve all heard how meditation decreases stress, increases happiness and inner peace, makes wrinkles fade and the sun shine brighter, yep true story! So, why isn’t everyone doing it? Well, it beats me!

But here’s what I know for sure: there are 3 common myths about meditation that make many people try and feel like they are failing and might as well just stop and have another coffee instead… is that you? Great, then please read on, my friend!

Myth #1 : Meditation is about clearing your mind from thoughts.

Nooooo! Your mind is brilliant and powerful and it’s job is to think. You can’t stop it from doing it’s job, sorry!

However, you can redirect your focus and learn to release the thoughts instead of running off with the story. That’s one of the many skills a mindful practice will help you develop and that alone will completely shift your reality in the best way.


Myth #2 : Meditation is blissful.

Well that’s like saying that kids are cute. They can be. Sometimes. But other times, they scream and shout and throw stuff at you.

Meditation is a bit like that. You may have an incredibly blissful experience one day but the next can be quite uncomfortable.

When we make time to meditate, the stillness creates the perfect opportunity for difficult emotions to rise to the surface. The trick here is to know that they are rising in the hope of being released (not shoved back down inside you to fester.

The more you allow and practice the release, the more bliss you will experience, promise!


Myth #3 : You have to be good at meditation to reap the benefits.

Nothing could be further from than the truth. You cannot measure the benefits of meditation from the practice itself.

The simple act of taking time to create headspace is a powerful intention and any moment that is cast in favor of your own wellbeing will build on your practice.

We don’t meditate to get good at meditation, we meditate to get good at everything else in life!

So if you have tried to meditate and find you can’t quiet your mind, it’s uncomfortable and you suck at it, so why even bother… please don’t give up on this practice, that would be like admitting that your happiness is not worth a little training. You can learn and develop this practice and it will bring so much into your life. Happiness is an inside job, my friend and you are so worth it!


If you are curious to discover more and have me by your side for 4 weeks as you explore life-changing tools and techniques, check out Calm + Connected, my 4 week guided course

Much love, Cha x

Cha Higginson