3 things you need to know about your subconscious mind

Your subconscious mind dictates over 90% of what you do at any given time. Its job is to make sense of the world and ensure your behaviour is perfectly consistent with belief systems that are created by emotionalizing thought patterns.

It’s a brilliant system but its flaw lies in the fact that it creates these beliefs and thought patterns during childhood, when we lack experience and emotional intelligence.

So, although powerful and persistent, your subconscious mind is ruled by a set of outdated beliefs that may or may not serve you in becoming the adult you aspire to be.

I like to explain it like this:

Your subconscious mind is like an elite Commando with ninja skills… but its training was completed when you were still a kid.

You can try fighting this part of your mind with will power but you will most probably be exhausted before creating the shifts you desire… but I’ve got your back, my friend.

Here are some key points that once integrated will help you collaborate effectively with your mind and turn this Commando with ninja skills into a perfect balanced combo of bodyguard, cheerleader, coach and bestie.

Sound good? Read on!

1.       Your subconscious mind has a memory like a steel trap, but is NOT logical.

Imagine this: every day as you leave for school, the neighbour’s big black dog barks at you through the fence next to the lavender bush. This pattern is repeated every day and laced with the emotion of fear. This may result in a variety of beliefs:

·         you may believe that all dogs are scary and dangerous (even the tiny ones!)

·         you may hate the smell of lavender (no it isn’t a relaxing scent, I don’t care what you say, Do Terra!)

·         you may even develop a sense of unease every time you leave the house

Your subconscious mind locks in a pattern and creates a belief… it’s job as your bodyguard is to keep you safe from any perceived threat.

Remember that these beliefs are created from the perspective of a young child. It can be tempting for the adult to say “ why would I believe that, it makes no sense” but the inconvenient truth is that this belief is buried deep down and doesn’t care what the rational, logical adult thinks about it.


2. Your subconscious mind serves your best interest but is highly emotional.

Beliefs are created in an emotional state… obviously not the best time to be making big life decisions… and yet!

Let’s say, you’re seven years old and you have a presentation to do at school. You are nervous and this leads you to pronounce a word incorrectly and the whole class laughs at you. This kind of experience can be deeply damaging.

As humans, we are a tribal species, meaning that we hard-wired to seek approval and connection. The embarrassment caused by this situation will make the subconscious mind seek out the root cause of your pain and ensure that it never occurs again.

Your subconscious mind’s job is to keep you away from undesired emotions and painful situations.

So, as an adult, you may have the perfect opportunity to share your expertise in the boardroom and earn that promotion that you completely deserve and desire...

But your subconscious mind  has imprinted that speaking up in public causes pain and it’s got the kind of ninja skills that can create a panic attack if that’s what it takes to keep you safe.

Not cool, not cool at all, subconscious mind… but again, please remember we are talking about a belief created by the emotional thoughts of a wounded child so before you point fingers, show the kid a little compassion and understanding… after all, that kid is YOU!


3.Your subconscious mind obeys orders… litteraly!

Your subconscious is always listening to the exact words you say and is trained to act accordingly.

If you walk around saying that you are tired, your subconscious mind will act consistently with that thought and literally create the physiological effects of fatigue within your body.

If you declare “I can’t do that” your subconscious mind will obey orders and make you right. The brilliant Henry Ford nailed this concept with the simple phrase “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way, you’re right”

So, wouldn’t you rather get those ninja skills working for you rather than against you? Yep, I thought so!

Then use your words wisely, my friend, they are litterally commands to your subconscious!

Only once you understand how and why your limiting beliefs were created, can you consciously change the story once and for all.

I believe in approching your limiting beliefs with compassion and curiosity, after all, they serve a purpose and their role is always to protect you.

If your beliefs are not serving you, it’s your responsibility to update your subconscious mind with your true desires.

Your subconscious programming does not get to define you. Free will is a beautiful gift, use it!

Find out how I can support you here
