Simple mindset shifts to handle uncertain times

2020 Self-isolation.

Because as a society, we weren’t lonely enough, now we have to cut off all physical contact for an unknown amount of time… scary huh? I hear you, but here are a few insights that may help deal with the initial overwhelm of this new normal.

1. Loneliness is not the absence of others, it’s the absence of meaningful connection with others.

In other words, you can be lonely at home, on your own or in a stadium full of people, in a busy crowd or at a party… it’s got nothing to do with others, loneliness is an internal state and one you have power over.

Feeling lonely can be countered by connecting with your actual people… not the ones that physiclly surround you, rather the ones who are like you, who speak your language and are your special kind of weird.

One of the gretest things about this particular time in history is that we can contact practically anyone, anywhere, within a matter of minutes! Granted, it’s not physical contact, but meaningful connection is the antidote to loneliness.

2. We only ever had an illusion of certainty, the only thing that is certain is constant change.

Our mind loves what is familiar, this is why we get so freaked out when anything around us changes. But everything is constantly changing, that’s just how life works, it evolves.

Our bodies, our lives, our whole reality is constantly in movement… ok, sure that movement is generally so slow that we don’t notice much of a change but at any point in time, when you look back a few years, you can see how much has shifted and morphed.

We are an adaptable species if anything, life goes on and we will look back one day and see that this was just a phase.

3. In challenging times, we revert to our default setting.. unless we choose to shift!

When we are faced with a challenge, our nervous system launches into fight or flight, when we are in this state, we loose access to the conscious part of our brain and revert back to our subconscious patterns. The ones that we encoded into our behaviour as children. The subconscious mind dictates over 90% of what we do at any given time and it is pre-programmed to operate in a particular way. An essential thing to remember is that this is not who we are, but rather what we learned from the people around us.

So, in times of stress, we tend to act in a way that was modelled for us in early childhood. That said, we all have the power to choose how we act, the key is to increase our self-awareness and gain control over our response. By understanding the core belief that is driving our behaviour on a subconscious level, we can change the story and thus, change the outcome and experience of our reality.

It can take some time to integrate the position of observer of our own experience.

Self awarness is a skill that we develop and practice, it leads to self-compassion as well as self-mastery.

This process is drastically accelerated by the help of a mentor who can guide you with a compassionate understanding and deeper insight into how the mind works and how to optimize it to support what you desire most. If this is a skill you are interested in developping to gain greater control over your experience, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

In challenging times, your mindset is the most important asset you have!

Take care,

x Cha

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Cha Higginson