Episode 26

We all have innate gifts but if we do not take care to get to know how to use them consciously, we can cause a lot of pain, instead of accessing our purpose.

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Cha Higginson
Episode 25

The creative process is a collaborative effort, it’s not all on you-

Inspiration comes when you are open to it and but you must take action to show up for the collaboration.

happens when we show up and continue taking action with Commitment and dedication.

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Cha Higginson
Episode 23

So what if you’re just not ready for the “New Year”?

How the concept of our calendar conflicts with our true cycle.

Why we are feeling so burnt out and what to do about it.

The influence of masculine and feminine forces within our lives.

How to consciously create life on your own terms.

Where to find support and what resources are available.

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Cha Higginson
episode 24

Last year around this time, I lost a dear friend 💔 Unravelling patterns, emotional ties and trauma is a journey and it takes time. After all, we are growing into more our soul, it's all about integration and we cannot rush this process.But this year something had shifted and it took me a little while to realise how and what that meant.

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Cha Higginson
Episode 22

After accidentally stabbing myself in the hand with a letter-opener, I went on a journey of self-awareness and surrender… here’s full story from re-parenting my inner child to surrendering to presence and teaching mindfulness in a whole different way.

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Cha Higginson
Episode 21

IN this short episode I share the story of how my rescue dog giving me attitude helped me soften into more understanding and compassion for how we navigate change in life and how to support ourselves and one another.

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Cha Higginson
Episode 20

In this episode, I share

  • my recent covid experience (yep, finally got to after a two-year dodge!)

  • how I chose to spend my time and focus during isolation

  • how you move through one area of life is a reflection of your mindset

  • how to intentionally invite in more flow, joy and ease into life

  • the power of choosing and how simple it can be

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Cha Higginson
Episode 19

My friendship with Luke was deep and meaningful, although brief. When he died suddenly, it cracked me open to an awareness of different levels of grief that lay within me. The willingness to lean into the Grief unlocked my awareness, my gifts and my ability to experience the joys that life had to offer.. but that I had denied myself until then.

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Cha Higginson