Episode 18

At times, we can miss out on the magic because we are too attached to the outcome and do not allow ourselves to flow with Life. In this episode, I share my experience of how I was guided to be exactly where I needed to be, at the right time to receive a gift.

I invite you to soften your need to control to allow blessings to find their way to you.

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Cha Higginson
Episode 17

A quick synopsis of our 5,100km road trip from Perth Western Australia to Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory. In this episode, I explain how we are connected to the land and the collective consciousness of our physical location.

The process is what I call “energetically unplugging” and it can be an emotional and challenging time. These insights may assist you in navigating your own shifts with more ease and flow.

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Cha Higginson
Episode 16

When therapy doesn’t work, and let’s be honest, it rarely does… individuals start to loose hope and believe it’s their fault. This episode is a collection of insights and educated opinions on why therapy is failing you and a compassionate alternative perspective.

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Cha Higginson
Episode 15

What the term a Dark night of the soul refers to is a period of deep inner transformation. We are becoming a whole new version of ourselves but we are still in the void, between who we once were and who we are becoming, this is a very uncomfortable place to be. It can feel like a deep depression or even a nervous breakdown, but it is a transition, please know that if you are experiencing this, it is temporary and you will get through this. These insight may be helpful and supportive.

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Episode 13

We tend to believe that our purpose is a job description and that is exactly where we get lost. Our purpose is to embody our authentic selves and show up as that. In this grounded and straightforward teaching, I guide you to discover what purpose really means and how to remember that you already know what yours is. I invite you to be reminded of that in this succinct explanation.

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Episode 12

Creating a ritual can be really fun process but we tend to get caught up in a lot of “should”. in this short video, I cut out the fluff and help you go straight to the essential so that you can create with joy and fun and also get the most out of your ritual.

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Cha Higginson
Episode 11

Have you ever wondered what the story is behind the Easter bunny and chocolate egg tradition?

In this short episode, I explain the pagan origins of the celebration of Spring and new beginnings relating to the English Goddess of Aostre who symbolises new beginnings, abundance and fertility.

Discover the symbolic and beautiful tradition that reminds us that all consciousness is interconnected and how the ancient wisdom of Nature is hiding in plain sight, despite religious belief systems and modern consumerism.

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Cha Higginson