Episode 10

We are born knowing who we are and what we want but we are conditioned to believe that we are a particular way based on other people’s perspective.

We can release the labels we have been assigned and heal from the core reason that is leading to anxiety or limitations.

Let’s stop managing anxiety as if it were a life sentence, it is nothing more than a symptom.

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Cha Higginson
Episode 9

We so often confuse self care and self love.

In this episode we explore how a self care list can actually be a way of avoiding doing the deeper inner work to excavate the reasons and trauma in the way of our own ability to love ourselves fully.

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Cha Higginson
Episode 8

In this episiode I share a story that highlights how we are always in the right place at the right time, even though we might not understand the why…

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Cha Higginson
Episode 7

Our belief systems are generally unknown to us as they create our reality.

We are all impacted by the belief systems of our family line that are created through generational trauma.

Part of our purpose may be to break the ties of trauma that have been passed down through generations.

It starts with awareness.

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Cha Higginson
Episode 6

In this episode I share a behind the scenes account of my past two years, it was pivotal in my journey, an uncomfortable unraveling, but it enabled me to release who I believed I was and integrate who I have always been.
I share how shamanic healing works and why I let go of my need to fully understand it.

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Cha Higginson
Episode 5

Initially, this podcast was called the “Inside Out” podcast…
In this episode, I don’t just pick up where I left off, I bring the lessons of the last couple of years and how I have shifted into bringing you the Heartscaping podcast.
We dive into the topics that release us from ourselves so we can truly embody an authentic and loving life.

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Cha Higginson
Episode 4

Why we are reactive as adults is dependant on our subconscious emotional wounding… Introducing the concept of inner child.
In this episode we embrace what it means to heal our inner child, and how we can hold space for others to do the same.

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Cha Higginson
Episode 3

The conscious mind thinks, analyzes, makes decisions and is aware of the present moment, yet it is only 10% of our awareness.
In this episode, I unravel how we can get out of our own way by understanding the limitations of our consciousness by intentionally expanding our awareness.

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Cha Higginson