Episode 15

Dark Night of the Soul

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Dark Night of the Soul

You may be wondering what the term “dark night of the Soul” refers to .. or you may be seeking support on what the hell to do when this happens to you- this episode of Heartscaping, I will give you my perspective and some tips on how to navigate this time with as much ease and grace as possible.

What the term a Dark night of the soul refers to is a period of deep inner transformation. We are becoming a whole new version of ourselves but we are still in the void, between who we once were and who we are becoming, this is a very uncomfortable place to be. It can feel like a deep depression or even a nervous breakdown, but it is a transition, please know that if you are experiencing this, it is temporary and you will get through this.

This stage is like transitioning from a caterpillar into a butterfly… if you know how that process goes, the caterpillar actually completely disintegrates and becomes all mushy before re-forming into a whole new being. Imagine how that must feel- well when you move through your own version of that, you deserve to give yourself some slack. It’s big.

First of all, I should say that I don’t believe that the term” dark night of the soul is even all that accurate- to me, it’s more of a dark night of the mind!

Your mind’s job is to create belief systems to make sense of the world around you, but when you go through a period of transformation, your reality seems like it is crumbling, you may start to question everything, start wondering who you are you may discover new sensitivities that are emerging, some soul gifts may be developing and that in itself can be terrifying if you don’t understand what is happening, you may feel like you are losing it.

Rest is essential

Your whole system is recalibrating on an energetic level and this is exhausting. I know, life isn’t going to stop for you- your may have a job to do, kids to care for, a dog to walk and responsibilities that need your attention. But I urge you to make as much time as you can in-between. Create space to be with yourself, to rest and be gentle on your body.

Seek support

Even though you may feel really lonely through this time, you are not alone. I know this can be tricky because one of the aspects of moving through this transformational time is that you may realise that you don’t resonate with your closest friends anymore, you may not want to do things that you once enjoyed. That’s ok, you are still  not alone. I urge you to seek appropriate support, maybe from a qualified and experienced practitioner, someone who can be present and non judgemental. I also invite you to be a support for yourself, what I mean by this is to take the best care of yourself that you are able to.


There is no rushing to the finish line, you cannot force the process so give yourself permission to let go and allow the next version of you to come to life. Soften as much as you can, set the intention to release any resistance that you hold towards change and just allow this natural process to unfold.

Be honest with yourself.

Practice self awareness and notice what areas of your life are  not fully in alignment with who you truly are or what you truly desire. Then make the choice to adjust whatever needs to be adjusted, show up for yourself and decide to be the version of you that you came here to be.

This transformational time is thoroughly uncomfortable but it is just a phase and you will get through it. The version of you that you will meet on the other side is nothing short of magnificent.

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